I count myself so blessed to be part of a great church family.
God has put so many wonderful and wiser people in my path and for that I am truly grateful.
When I go to church it is always exactly what I needed.
Sometimes it may not even be from the message, but instead from a single gesture or words of another Christian.
Just last night, as I was walking out of church I was approached by a woman, who grabbed me by the elbow and whispered in my ear,
Nicole, I just wanted to let you know I am praying for you.
Her words humbled me. There are so many people in the church who really need prayer -
some have cancer, others have lost a loved one, some are going through a trial...
And yet, this woman has chosen to pray for me - a single young woman.
It is moments like those that I find myself saying,
Thank you Lord, I am truly blessed.
Beautiful image & great scripture. May we always be thankful.